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Turmeric is widely known as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, whose earthy notes settle the mind and calm the soul. When combined with spicy ginger, and assisted by black pepper, the healing potential magnifies. Add a kind dose of water-soluble CBD, and the results area healing and satisfying cup of pure amazement.

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is widely known as a food additive in Indian food, which is why almost everyone has heard of it at some point. The main cultivator of Turmeric has been India for many thousands of years. In the last few centuries, it has become a common root grown worldwide. It has a big reputation in the ayurvedic medicine world as a healing agent for so many health conditions. It's also used for healing salves and balms and even clothing dye (it's bright yellow color attributes to this specific use.)

What is Ginger?

First cultivated and used in ancient China and India cultures have included ginger as a staple in their diets and medicinal remedies for thousands of years. Known best as an effective aid for stomach ailments, predominantly nausea, ginger is a common included in the foods of many Asian cultures and now all around the world as a common ingredient in today's healing remedies.

Organic Turmeric Root ,Organic Ginger Root, Organic Black Pepper, Broad Spectrum Water-Soluble Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD Health and Wellness, LLC retains the right to not ship to any states or territories where local laws conflict with MN HF3595 and the 2018 Farm Bill.

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